Who to Believe?

Sometimes people ask why they should believe the book over what they’ve read online – here’s why:

Reason 1

Articles online are by journalists with no scientific understanding of the issue whereas the book is written by a renowned scientist (PhD, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Chartered Chemist and Fellow of the Institute for Materials, Minerals & Mining).

Reason 2

Articles online are written by people looking to generate money from views or environmental groups looking to get your donation whereas I provide this information free of charge using my own time and my own money.

Reason 3

Articles online usually present zero hard evidence whereas the book is based on >400 scientific articles with proof for every statement, so it can be checked. The website is based on over 3000 scientific papers, which is believed to be the largest collection anywhere on this topic.

Reason 4

The market growth of plastics has remained steady at around 3.5% per year even after a decade-long smear campaign, so there is no need to “defend” plastics. In fact, I don’t care if people are against plastics. As a scientist, I only care that people base their views on accurate information.

Reason 5

I do not make, sell or market plastics and the book is free. I am independent – under 10% of my income is from plastics manufacturers and none from oil companies, whereas “environmental” groups are telling you fiction to get your money.

Reason 6

The book has been vetted by an international team of scientists, including plastic materials experts, chemists and engineers, whereas the articles you read online are not verified by international experts.

Book Speaking

  • Have an independent expert explain to your customers why plastics are the solution and not the problem
  • Chris can make your employees proud to work with plastics, rather than be ashamed
  • Dr. DeArmitt can help you push back against unjust attacks on your company
  • Showing the evidence can convince owners and shareholders that your company is on the right course
  • Presenting the science can help change public opinion and government policy